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Quick Snacks On The Go

When you are out and about in North Cyprus and feel a bit peckish, there's nothing better than a quick snack on the go! Whether you pop into a bakery, visit the deli counter at a supermarket, or order from a street stall, there are plenty of delicious snacks to satisfy any appetite.

From ice cream to pastries, wraps and breads, there's a perfect snack for everyone in North Cyprus...


A simit is a circular-shaped bread with sesame seeds on top. They are typically a little bit chewy but have a lovely taste due to the molasses used in baking. They are ideal if you are looking for something plain but satisfying when you are out and about.


A type of Turkish pizza, lahmacun is definitely a great all-round snack. These round flatbreads are topped with minced meat, minced vegetables, spices and herbs, including tomato, onion and parsley. Squirt on some lemon, sprinkle some fresh parsley, roll up and enjoy!


If you're extra hungry, then a dürüm wrap is sure to quell your cravings. Made with flatbread and filled with doner meat, salad and sauce of your choice, this wrapped kebab makes a perfect street food.

Tahinli Ekmek

Tahinli Ekmek is a sweet roll found in most bakeries in North Cyprus. Made from yeast bread dough and flavoured with tahini (toasted ground sesame) and cinnamon, these sweet swirled breads are perfect for a filling snack on the go.


These are pockets of pastry with various fillings inside and are great to eat whilst walking along. Popular fillings include; halloumi with herbs, minced meat and onion and nor (a local cheese similar to feta) mixed with sugar.


If you have a sweet tooth, then lokma will definitely fit the bill if you are looking for a quick sugar-rush. Lokma are deep fried balls of pastry soaked in honey or syrup, and can often be found on street stalls, just follow the smell of doughnuts!

Cypriot Ice Cream

If you are passing a Mardo's or Gelato shop, then you should try some of their ice cream, as they have a huge selection of different flavours, from traditional flavours such as chocolate and strawberry, to the more exotic such as "mastik" and pistachio. Also, the milkshakes in Mardo's are one of the best we've ever tasted!


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